Shiloh Park

Shiloh Park Land Transfer Information


October 17th, 2023 - Shiloh Farms HOA & Washington Township employees held a meeting discussing transferring of local neighborhood park to township.

February 13th, 2024 - Washington Township voted to annex park into their portfolio as well as cover and legal costs required for the ownership transfer of land.

March 6th, 2024 - Township counsel indicated the need for Shiloh Farms HOA to satisfy Covenant rules and gather an appropriate amount of signatures indicating acceptance of land transfer and removal of covenant restrictions on common area that is the park.

A letter and informative write-up regarding what Washington Township's Parks and Recreation Department plans for the park will be mailed out soon. See that same information that will be mailed below as well:

Letter to Shiloh Farms Residents Regarding Shiloh Park Land Transfer

Dear Residents of Shiloh Farms,

It has come to our attention that in order to effectuate the transfer of the common area property—Shiloh Park situated at Shiloh Circle—to the ownership of Washington Township's Parks and Recreation Department, the consent of residents is imperative. 

Upon consultation with the Township's legal counsel, it became apparent that the consent of at least two-thirds of primary residence owners within our neighborhood, as per our covenant document, is requisite. 

As of February 13th, 2024, the Township's Board has consented to initiate the process of transferring the land to their ownership, covering the associated legal fees involved. It is imperative to note that the HOA Board is not engaged in this transaction for profit; rather, the transfer to the Township would be at a nominal fee of one dollar.

The HOA Board endeavors to pursue this transfer to alleviate the current and prospective financial burdens on the HOA and our residents, considering the escalating costs associated with maintaining the park and ensuring a high-quality experience for all. We hold firm belief in the capabilities of Washington Township's Parks and Recreation Department to effectively manage, maintain, and secure parks, a sentiment that can be corroborated by visiting the Township's existing parks.

You will find a comprehensive write-up provided by the Director of Washington Township Parks and Recreation, Lora Helmick, below. This documentation delineates the benefits of transferring ownership, along with immediate and future plans for Shiloh Park under their stewardship.

Meanwhile, Director Helmick is readily available to address any inquiries regarding the Parks and Recreation Department's plans for the park, should the transfer be endorsed by our residents. Questions may be submitted through the following webpage on their site: or by email @: 

In the coming weeks you will likely be visited by your fellow neighbors asking you to sign a document providing consent to the following things: 1.) Authorize transfer of the common area known as Shiloh Park, 2.) Remove declaration and restrictions from the common area known as Shiloh Park.

Your cooperation and understanding in this matter are greatly appreciated as we collectively strive to enhance the well-being and sustainability of our community.

Richard Van Doel


Shiloh Farms Homeowners Association Board 

Future Development.pdf